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Walla Walla Portrait Design: Branding

Walla Walla Portrait Design brand mark

I was approached by a photographer friend of mine recently about a new agency that was forming in town: Walla Walla Portrait Design. The agency hadn’t completely decided on their name at that point, but they knew they’d be needing a cohesive brand package. I met with the three main stakeholders at the time, and gathered notes about their vision, æsthetic, and practice. From this, I walked the stakeholders through an exercise designed to help them discover what aspects they valued in a brand.

Brand concept sketches

After gathering key aspects of branding design, I began sketching ideas which used the core values that had been communicated to me. My goal was to present several options with a low time investment in order to gather visual direction before creating a branding package.

Creating a vector logo mark
A snapshot of the vector creation process.

With options to discuss, I was able to gather group opinions and wishes in order to then create a vector mark. Around this vector mark I then built a small brand usage guidelines document. I also made myself available to them going forward, so that if they had any usage questions or special cases that needed design help they’d feel well-supported.

Pages from the Walla Walla Portrait Design brand guide
Three pages from the Walla Walla Portrait Design brand guide.